Saturday, January 30, 2010

been a while...

So I realized It has sure been a while on here. I guess with school starting back I don't have as much free time! Speaking of school... I REALLY REALLY like my classes! Now it's only week 2 so please don't hold me to that! But so far they are really great. Here's my schedule...

Adolescent Development (One in which I refuse to buy the book for!)
Guidance for Children/Youth
Families, communities and resources
Contemporary Moral Issues
Transition in family and work

Doesn't that sound like such a good time! It really is :) In one of my classes I have to observe one child for 15 hours. And then I have to write a case study over that child. No pressure, right!?

In another class I have to volunteer with a social service for 15 hours. I am so excited about this! Actually I have an appointment to meet with the volunteer coordinator at a children's home on Monday! I'm praying that will be the place. I am excited about this because it gives me the chance to see the field I want to go into first hand!

Anyways... I wanted to share a little about school stuff... since it will be about 80% of my time! AHHHH I get to go to Nashville and Louisville this week and I can NOT wait!!!!! I am so glad the the Lord has allowed this weekend to happen. I haven't been to Nashville in so Long! (since August!) But it has definitely allowed me to get used to and enjoy where I am in life at the moment! It's just been a sweet time, these last two months!

Also in the past few weeks I have joined a small group at church, and I am hoping to do the membership class soon. I mean, look at me go, making all these decisions. You know I don't like to! But man the Lord has been SO stinkin' good to me. He has really helped me see my purpose in being here and even helped me find great joy in it! I'm a luckky girl for sure. Saved because of grace and a God that loves me!

well... this is long and random... but that's what happens when I haven't blogged in a few weeks!

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