Sunday, January 10, 2010

Such a girl...

Okay Okay. I have come to realize I am SUCH a girl about things!! One of those things being the past. I was looking back through my old photos and remembering some really good times. I couldn't even express how much I have changed since I first went off to college at OC. The oppertunities I have had since then! WOW... PTL! I mean I lived in Nashville! (and will again one day!) I was able to work with students, work camp, went to Africa and New Zealand!! I have truly been blessed by the Lord to have done the things I have in my short 23 years!! SO I have decided over the next few days I'm going to blog about major happenings in my life over the past few years!

So here Goes...

Starting with my freshman year at OC (what a WONDERFUL year!)I met some really amazing friends... not to mention it was the beginning of me moving away from home and everything I was familiar with! God can really teach you a lot through that you know! I was only there a year... but really GREAT ONE!!!

This was the year my faith was greatly challenged, not just by people but the school and different beliefs. This is also the place I really learned to be independent from my family but realized I was never left alone by God!

(still to this day... my favorite birthday!)

This is good OC... Nashville will be next...

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