Saturday, March 13, 2010

a little of this... a little of that...

I am volunteering at a children's home for a class and today was my first day. Due to all the confidentiality commitments I have to keep, I can't really share details. But I will say these children are precious! God has really created beautiful beings with all different, yet wonderful personalities. I think I am going to ask if I can mentor one of the 8th grade girls. She is just really on my heart!

So that started off my day, and next came a midterm. Lucky me right? It was pretty easy... very easy compared to the one I bombed on Wednesday! I was nervous because I had to write a persuasive essay about either abortion, euthanasia, or quotas. I am just not a persuasive person, I don't like to argue my points especially in writing. I enjoy discussing them but persuasion is so intimidating to me! I feel like growing up I didn't have one bit of an issue with it though! What is happening to me!?!?

Well... I can say officially I am sooo excited about camp this summer! Not that I haven't been but I have just not had time to realize how excited I am. Which brings me to this...

This year has been the fastest year of my life! Well... I realize every year is the exact same amount [other then leap year] of time in it. But man this year has come and gone SO fast!

Today I have been looking at pictures of the team that just returned from South Africa! It was FOUR years ago that I went! FOUR YEARS! That's a long time. I am praying for the day the Lord sends me back and anxiously yet patiently awaiting it! ( Makes a lot of sense right...) Let me explain. I say anxiously because my heart desires to spend time there again, learn more of the people and the culture and be a part of the work that is going on there! Yet, I know right now is not the season for that. My goal is the first semester Rolling Hills goes that I am NOT in school, to go! But I know the Lord will be faithful to direct those steps. Until then... pray pray pray for the country and the beautiful people! That is what I am called to do! :)

Well... that's it.

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