Saturday, February 27, 2010

school, work, packing....SLACKING!

Well... it has officially been the busiest week of the semester!

I feel like this week has actually been going on FOREVER. I have worked 5 days, gone to school 3, babysat 1, started and finished a paper, created a community resource directory, taken multiple quizzes and now I have until Monday to prepare TWO group project to be presented in class. Just a busy, long week! Plus I will be moving in the morning. And [BTW] I refuse to move again the rest of my entire life!

So I think to myself 'SELF, why are you wasting time blogging instead of homework?' Well honestly I couldn't look at home work again if I wanted to... which I don't! And sometimes blogging is really just for me. Talking, ranting, venting...

Next week I begin volunteering at the Children's home and continue observing Blane for class. I am so greatly excited about both of these beginning. Yes it adds a ton of hours in my week but man a Children's Home. I am so excited and feel greatly blessed the Lord has just set that all up for me. I can't wait to meet these children and teenagers!

my schedule during the week:

Monday/Wednesday: class 8-3/Work 4-10
Tuesday/Thursday: work 8-4/ observing 4-6/ children's home 6-8:30(ish)
Friday:class 2-3/work 4-12

(Jamey... this is why I'm not here to talk to you!)

Thankfully each day the Lord gives me a good nights rest, physically and spiritually. He is so stinkin' faithful to meet my every need. It's kinda of mind blowing really. He has allowed my mind to be so very present where my life is now, yet so much to look forward to the future happenings. Just good good good.

It is almost that time. CAMP! ah... so soon. I feel like it is sneaking up so quickly! Here's some favorites from camp

Monday, February 15, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (minus the Trains)

Okay so last weekend I was lucky enough to get the chance to visit Nashville and Louisville! These are two cities that have great importance to me: Nashville was the beginning of so many things for me! Louisville hold many people that I dearly love!

I flew into Nashville at 1pm on Friday and hung out with the Dentons (who are like family to me!) At 5pm I was packed and ready [sort of] to begin a DNOW with the students I cherish so greatly! It had been 6 months since my last visit and it was long over due. So I stayed at the high school girls house, which was wonderful as always, and up early in the AM to do Saturday Serve. Well lucky for me, it was that time for the Father Son Bowl. I love this ministry! It was started just four years ago and this year there were 395 families signed up to play. I'm pretty sure despite the sleeting and snow falling fast freezing our whole bodies, most people still showed. HOW GREAT!!!

So... the DNOW ended at 10pm on Saturday, Bing picked me up, we went to chili's and I got back around 11:30. Church came soon but not soon enough! I had yet to see the Warehouse. This is the new building for Rolling Hills. It is lovely. What a blessing from God. Even with the simplicity of church in a WAREHOUSE, it is beautiful! The sad part of this short visit is it is much like SPEED DATING. I felt like I could have talked with people from RHCC for hours and yet I had a few minutes before services. It was wonderful to see familiar faces and catch up quickly, but I could definitely use a two week visit.

After church Lunch with the Dentons and Allen's. Lillie Cate and Nora Blake are beautiful and so smart already. Good luck Nic and Susan! ;) Lillie Cate can WRITE her NAME! She is THREE! Brilliant... and she loves me so that is a smart move too! :)

2:30pm: Seraph text me and tells to let me know that she and Zack are in the driveway waiting for me! YAY! Of course, because I'm late EVERYWHERE, I'm not there yet!

[Lets pause this and talk about great friends! They drove three hours each way to pick me up and take me back to Louisville!!!! WHATTTTTT!!!!]

So we get back just in time for a super bowl party and Under cove Boss. After that... thirty minutes in the drive way deciding what is next. Finally, the girls make the call... Steak N Shake. There is nothing else opened. We wrote poems to each other, made Napkin Brittany (even though she wasn't needed because this time I was ACTUALLY there) and talked life <---[i THINK]! We left around 3:30AM and went for a girl sleep over. Monday help much fun too, the coming of a snow storm, observing Mr. Doyle and the trip returning back to Texas. What a sweet 23 hours I had with my beautiful friends. Erin.Girl even hugged me... TWICE! :)

So to answer the your questions: Yes it was way to short, Yes I was exhausted come Monday, Yes I'm still catching up on my missed sleep. And therefore... done blogging!

Happy sleeps.

p.s. I'm attempting a new schedule called getting up at 6AM! Wish me luck! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010


So let me begin by taking you to past thoughts of mine.

After I became a follower of Christ (about 7Th grade) I would spend a great deal of time pondering this thought of "the end." Not just pondering but being completely terrified by it! I knew I was supposed to eagerly await for that day, but I don't think I really understood why. After all, my dream was to finish school, get married and have children! Yes, go figure, I was a typical girl! And in my head I always tried to justify that that was supposed to happen first because these were great desires of mine, nothing else really mattered. I wasn't really a girl that spent time worrying about boys or dating them, but one day I wanted to get married! Because I had this great desire for love and marriage and all of that, I thought there is no way that wasn't happening. I know this sounds like such a girly girly thing to say... but really... I am one! :)With that, please know there were other things that went into the axiety of thinking about the coming of the Lord, partly just not being able to grasp it.

Now let me explain the past year.

The last year or so I have struggled a lot, with where I am now, why I am here and when I can leave. With that I mean my actual physical location. I have wrestled a great deal with why I ever left Nashville, a place I loved to come back to Texas the place I spent the first 18 or so years of my life. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family BUT I love Nashville too.

Now let me bring you to current thoughts of mine.

I started praying that the Lord would change my desires to match His, because His plans really are always much sweeter than my own! So here I am in the place I don't want to be(Texas) Yet, it has been such a sweet time with the Lord. Growing up I never really questioned things, I didn't have the desire to rebel authority or any of the such. But I just could not see what the point was in me being here. I started praying for this, realizing that I was here for a purpose I just didn't want it to be so hard. One night when I was reading in Psalm 16, I came across verse 11. The middle part of it says, " in your presence there is fullness of joy." Talk about something that is so clear at that moment! It really was like... okay Lord you are here, I am in your presence, even here in Texas. It really was like a sudden moment of "I will find Joy here because I am right in the middle of your presence!"

okay... so back to the first paragraph...

In this whole God changing my desires to match His, I began to see this sweet picture of eternity with Jesus. Not that the desire to be a wife and mother have been Xed out of my life, not even close! But that eternity with Him is the ultimate desire, the most precious thought.

A song that I greatly love is called Soon, by Brooke Fraser! If you haven't heard it you should probably stop reading this and download it! Here are the words...

Soon and very soon
My King is coming
Robed in righteousness
And crowned with love
When I see Him, I shall be made like Him
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon
I'll be going to the place He has prepared for me
Then my sin erased, my shameful garden
Soon and very soon

I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I'll see Him
There my soul with be satisfied
Soon and very soon

Soon and very soon
See the procession
The angels and the elders round the thrown
At His feet I lay
My grant, my wishing
Soon and very soon

I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I'll see Him
There my soul with be satisfied
Soon and very soon

Though I have not seen Him
My heart knows Him well
Jesus Christ the Lamb, the Lord of heaven

I will be with the One I love
With unveiled face I'll see Him
There my soul with be satisfied

what a lovely lovely thought! I haven't figured it all out... obviously... or I wouldn't just be blogging about it.

love love love